Branson & Hannah Sears
Branson Sears is the lead pastor of Faith Ignited Church. Hannah Sears is the Director of Faith Kids as well as serving as the church administrator.
Branson and Hannah were saved in a mighty way in 2007. Just 2 months after being saved, Branson and Hannah were married. At their home church in Derby KS, he and Hannah jumped right in to serving God anywhere and everywhere they could.
Branson was called to preach in 2008, and after years of discipleship and training, he was ordained in 2012 and served as the associate pastor.
For years, he preached on a weekly basis, served and was involved in a variety of ministries, and led 4 mission trips to the Philippines.
Hannah served for many years and led children's ministries and events.
In 2020, God called the Sears family to move to Winfield KS to start Faith Ignited Church.
October 25th, 2020, FIC was started in the Sears' home, where they believed they would meet for a year or two. They met in the Sears home for 5 weeks when the Lord had led them to start renting from the current church building. Three to four months later, the building was presented to be sold, and God moved in a mighty way!
In April of 2021, Faith Ignited bought the current church building, and God has done great things!
Branson and Hannah live in Winfield KS with their 4 children, Braylon, Hattie, Lawson, and Della.